I have started this website not only to share my photos but to alert you to the massive problem of deforestration.
Over half of the tropical forests worldwide have been destroyed since the 1960s. Every second, more than one hectare of tropical forests is destroyed or drastically degraded.
The loss of forests threaten the survival of many species. Over 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity can be found in forests - from pine trees in the boreal North to the rainforests in the tropics. The degradation reduces the ability of forests to provide essential services such as clean air and water, healthy soils for agriculture, and climate regulation.
Here is an article about why it has increased in recent decades.
The problem is worldwide but as I am currently living in Australia, I am highlighting its plight. Here, broadscale deforestation--500,000 ha of forest and bush every year--kills tens of millions of native animals and destroys endangered forests and woodlands. Nearly half of Australia's forest cover has been cleared in the last 200 years. Consequently 1,000 animal and plant species are at risk of extinction—including the koala. And yet deforestation laws have either been recently weakened or are currently facing rollbacks.
You can help stop the destruction by getting involved: find a local group to write letters, donate to environmental groups, speak to your friends about the problem. I have recently joined Australian Conservation Foundation and am on their letter writing team.
Here are 11 facts you should know about deforestation.